Welcome to Arcology Instrmnts, your ultimate destination for custom electric guitars! With over 40 years of experience in Global Sales, Marketing, Sourcing, and Manufacturing, we are dedicated to providing you with exceptional instruments that exceed your expectations.

Our team consists of passionate guitar players with over 50 years of playing experience, ensuring that we understand the unique needs and desires of musicians. This deep understanding allows us to create instruments that are not only visually stunning but also offer unparalleled playability and tone.

We take great pride in our ability to develop high-quality products at affordable pricing. Through meticulous craftsmanship and strategic sourcing, we bring you custom electric guitars that rival high-end models without breaking the bank. We believe that every guitarist should have access to an instrument that inspires them to reach new heights in their musical journey.

At Arcology Instrmnts, we are driven by innovation. Holding two patents, we continuously strive to push the boundaries of guitar design and performance. Our commitment to innovation ensures that our instruments stand out from the crowd, delivering a unique and captivating playing experience.

Our global travels have allowed us to establish strong connections with high-quality manufacturers across various industries. This network enables us to collaborate with the best craftsmen and source top-notch materials, resulting in guitars of exceptional quality and durability.

Fortuitously, Lewis and Bob's paths crossed one fateful day, resulting in a meeting of minds that would redefine the music industry. Recognizing the tremendous potential in their complementary skills, they hatched an audacious plan to establish Arcology Instrmnts—an enterprise that would revolutionize the way musicians connect with their instruments. Blending Lewis's artistic ingenuity with Bob's entrepreneurial prowess, they aimed to create an instrument that could be fully tailored to each musician's preferences and style.

Arcology's philosophy centers on the belief that every musician deserves an instrument that resonates with their unique voice. By employing cutting-edge technology and a meticulous attention to detail, Lewis and Bob developed a customizable tool and instrument ensemble that harmonizes exceptional craftsmanship with unparalleled versatility. Musicians can now embark on a creative journey, shaping their instrument to reflect their artistic vision and unlock new realms of musical expression.

We believe in giving back to the community that has supported us throughout the years. As part of our commitment to education, we founded a large non-profit organization that has positively impacted the lives of over 50,000 students in Georgia's primary education system.

By choosing Arcology Instrmnts, you are not only investing in a remarkable guitar but also contributing to the future of young learners. Join us on this musical journey as we combine decades of experience, innovation, affordability, and community involvement to bring you the finest custom electric guitars. Experience the difference with Arcology Instrmnts.